Wednesday 17th February 2010

Oh dear. You buy someone a new toy and they do nothing but play with it. In this case the new toy is a shredder and my Mistress is determined to cut down on all their paperwork before moving. It seemed sensible enough, but I reckoned on exactly how much my Mistress was going to be able to find to shred. So far she has filled a two big bin bags and the process is still in its infancy. When she bought the shredder, she could have paid extra for the special bags to catch the bits, making emptying a clean process. She decided that they were a waste of money and she must be able to empty a shredder without getting the contents everywhere. She was wrong. It turns out that she can’t and now there are little bits of paper all over the office floor. They have also attached themselves to her suede boots and distributed themselves liberally around the house.

Shadow in a moment of frustration has opened up the seam of one of our dog beds and taken out all the stuffing. I pointed out how stupid she was being as it just means it won’t be as comfortable to lie on. I was even more annoyed as it was a Christmas present that I was bought in Belgium from the dog sitter I used to go to and I was rather attached to it. My Mistress has promised she will try to repair it, but she has warned that it might be a bit lumpy. I’d threaten to destroy something belonging to Shadow as revenge, except I’m not a destructive dog and besides which, she’s already destroyed all her own things before starting on mine!