Now I’m at home, I’m in trouble already. It seems that it isn’t ok for me to eat Shadow’s food after all. My Mistress wondered why so much of my own food was left when I came back from Kennels, but so little of Shadow’s. At first she felt sorry for me and thought I hadn’t been eating enough. How well does she know me? I would have made a lot of noise about not getting enough food. I had been eating mine and Shadow’s. I’ve been told that has to stop. It was nice while it lasted.
When we lived in Belgium, there was nothing like pet health insurance that my Mistress could find to take out cover for me. Now she says I have too many things that would be left out of the policy for it to be worth taking out. Should I be concerned that I am the only member of the family not catered for by private healthcare? Do you think the NHS will be able to look after me when I need it, or is it going to mean hoping that my Mistress is prepared to pay for my private care? If I need treatment, I don’t want to be on a general ward. I want my own private room with a television and lots of visitors bringing me grapes. Of course, I’d rather not be ill at all. On the other paw, the health care (or guarantee as it is more often called) for the car is in Belgium and things have all got a bit complicated as the car needs to go into the car hospital for a major operation. My Mistress will need to pay the bill and then write a nice letter to the people in Belgium. She has that sinking feeling that reclaiming her money, in a different currency, may all prove a long and complicated process.