That’s the sort of headline I like. “Drunk British man hands out cash to strangers.” You can just see the scene the following day when he sobers up and says to his mates, “Can anyone remember what I was doing last night?”
They would look at each other sheepishly before replying “You mean you don’t know?” Or is it just the logical extension of the drunk “You’re my bestest friend” syndrome?
Things aren’t quite so happy here. Shadow has rediscovered her passion for digging and has done it in quite a big way. We now have whole craters in our garden and the house has a trail of mud going everywhere that Shadow went. She has said she’ll do all her own clearing up, but I think that was only said to get my Mistress to forgive her just a tiny bit. The fact that she has also dug up the grass that my Mistress has planted in pots to replace the patches that Shadow has ruined only added to the frustration. I’m starting to think the real repairs can only really begin when we’re leaving or if Shadow goes on a very long holiday. I suppose we really need to take her to the beach and let her dig in the sand, I could build the sandcastles while she digs the moat.
It’s all very well the Government changing the way that swine flu is dealt with, but it is giving the general public the wrong impression. It would be easy to assume, due to the lack of news, that is has gone away, rather than the reality that it is raging in the background, with a number of people now having died from the disease. I think on balance, I preferred it when they were still counting!