I’ve organised Shadow ready to go to kennels. She was a bit uncertain about what to take, particularly as she managed to shred one of the tug toys that she took with her last time. To be fair I may have had something to do with it, but I think on balance it was mainly Shadow. She has also begun to shred her Dumbo, which is a sad state of affairs. It’s hard to be comforted by a shredded comforter. This is a point I know all too well, seeing as she shredded both of my Miffy toys. I just feel a bit sad that my Mistress is off to a writing conference without me. I’d like to be going and learning how to improve my writing, isn’t that the aim of every dog?
Shadow seems completely unperturbed by the current hot weather. She runs around like a mad thing, admittedly with her tongue hanging out, but still at full pelt. Then when it thunders she just flops down under the table and goes to sleep. I have explained it is our job to go up to our humans to take their mind of it, which I use as a cover for that fact that I don’t like it and want some attention. Shadow however, doesn’t seem to notice that the lightning is even happening. We’ve had flashes and bangs and power going off and all for Shadow to just lie asleep under the table. If there had been a human under the table at the time, she could have got away with it, but I checked and there wasn’t, well not that table anyway.