Shadow is likely to come into her first season sometime fairly soon. I’m worrying in case it happens while we’re here. I don’t want to be the one to explain to her the birds and the bees, or more to the point, the dogs and the bitches. I’ll be too embarrassed for one thing. I can still remember when Mackensey explained it all to me. I didn’t know where to put myself I was so embarrassed. I think really, Shadow needs to hear it from another girl and in the absence of my Mistress if the need arises I shall have to have a quite word with one of the older girls who is staying her at the kennels.
I’ve been thinking about my Mistress’s trip to Belgium. You don’t suppose she’ll go on our favourite walk without me do you? It’s one thing to visit our friends, but it would be quite another to go to my favourite places. I miss running through the rhododendrons with my tongue hanging out and ears trailing behind me. I miss leaping across the streams and not being certain I will actually make it to the other side. I miss being hit by falling acorns if we are being strictly honest. It was all part of my woods.
It’s really hard getting any time on the computer with Shadow wanting to play all the time. She is one demanding puppy. It seems a shame she hasn’t shown any inclination to play on the computer too, we could have done something a little less energetic than run round.