I think I should be flattered. I’ve had an invitation to take part in a ‘blog ring’, where each month I select a couple of my diary entries that are worth more serious ‘political’ discussion and then the others within the ring read them, rate them and one gets wider promotion. Now, I’m thinking that they may think I’m a little bit more ‘mainstream’. I’m torn between seeing whether I can get them to take the Pet Dogs Democratic Party more seriously or whether they would ask me to leave once they realise that I am a little but more alternative than they may have been looking for.
I could write several pages about the issues with the banking system, but I’m guessing people are largely fed up with them. You should hear my Mistress at the moment. All she has tried to do is open new accounts with banks that they already have accounts with. The first didn’t score highly when they couldn’t find my Mistress registered at this address, despite the fact that they send bank statements to her here. They would only open the account when she would send them proof of identity. Then she tried to send them some money and it was returned to the starting point as they had given her the wrong bank details to be able to receive money in that way. At this point she swore slightly and said that it was a good job that they other bank wasn’t as bad as that. Except as it turned out they were, they just took longer to write to her to tell her that had made a mistake. How difficult can it be? I suggested she should name and shame them, but she suspected that all the others would have been just as bad.