Monday 20th April 2009

It seems I am not a dog that can be trusted and my conscience has come into question. It isn’t that I have actually done anything, well not really. It was more that I so desperately wanted to do something that I was a positive danger to other members of the family, namely Abby and Aristotle. My Master and Mistress held a council of war, too which I should note, I was not invited and decided that in the interests of the health and wellbeing of the rabbits and the sanity of the rest of the family, the rabbits would have to go back to the pet shop. I am not to have my own pet. I will probably never be allowed my own pet and henceforth this will be a human and dog household only. I suppose I asked for it. I was utterly fixated on their hutch when they were in it and made lunges at the run when they were in that. I couldn’t stop myself. There is something deep in my nature that made me do it, proving that despite everything, my domestication only goes so far.

I was mortified when Andy suggested that it should be me that left rather than the rabbit, but to my Mistress that would be hardly better than selling her granny, so Andy was promptly outvoted and consoled for the disappearance of his all too brief pet. If you know anyone who wants to buy a luxury hutch, run, hutch warmer and rabbit toys perhaps you could drop me an email, it’s the least I can do to try to help a difficult situation. I was more than happy to eat the carrots.