You may think I’m a little slow, but I’ve only just realised that Aristotle is going to be a real Easter bunny. Do you think she’s going to arrive bearing lots of presents of Easter eggs for all of us, as a sort of moving in present? This could add a very exciting dimension to the Easter egg hunt, if a real Easter bunny has hidden them for us to find. Sadly, in our garden there is nowhere to hide them, unless you include under the garden chairs and behind the plant pots. We only have a patch of grass. It’s ideal for the rest of the year form a dog’s perspective but it does lack something in the way of character.
Yesterday was a very alarming day. I was just having a good bark at an elderly terrier who takes absolutely no notice of me, when I trod rather heavily on a piece of thorn bush. You’ve never heard such wails as I limped to find my Mistress. I was a bit of a wimp while she removed it, but it had gone right into the pad of my foot and I don’t recommend that to anyone. Once it had gone everything was back to normal, but I used it to get a bit of extra fuss and a dog biscuit just the same.
I overheard my Mistress booking for us to go on holiday. I was relieved when she ran through the ‘who’s going’ bit of the booking and got as far as ‘two dogs’. It seems that I won’t be left behind, which is a relief as was finding that this year’s holiday in no way includes sleeping somewhere that floats on water. I don’t know whether Shadow will like water, but she won’t if I am any influence over her.