Well the car might have jump started when it was only practising but when it came to the performance it refused to work. It even went as far as burning out the jump leads, which I was quite impressed by. This time it was the AA rather then Brian the Postman that had to come to our rescue. At least looking at the bright side, we hadn’t got part way to the garage when it happened and we were able to go back to bed whilst waiting for the man to arrive. To be fair, it was only me that went back to bed. I thought it was justified as we are back to being the land of permafrost. We had one day above freezing and I got all excited that maybe the world was warming up a bit, when there we were coated in frost again.
I’m struggling with the etiquette regarding Christmas trees. When I go out, there is nothing I like more than peeing against a tree to let the world know I’m there. Then to confuse me, a tree is brought into the house and I am given strict instruction not to use it as a toilet. What about the one in the pot by the front door though. Am I allowed to pee against that one? Admittedly it’s got pretty flashing lights on it, but it is outside. I do basically regard outside as my territory but have the rules changed? I wonder if Rudolph faces these sorts of confusions?
Oh I forgot to tell you that the Austrian dog came into season and was mated. This means if all goes to plan there will be some puppies like me, born in February, in this country. I am so excited. It’s better than Christmas and I’m already counting down the days.