The boiler works, both my Master and his suitcase are safely home and were it not for the fact that my Mistress is at the dentist again, then all would be right with the world. I’m quite excited as my Mistress has called a site meeting at the new house to discuss the details of the extension with all interested parties. Well, she actually asked my Master if he could spare half an hour, but I’m taking that to mean that James and I will need to go too. James wants a stable and a tack room, but I think he might be pushing his luck in a domestic garden. I’m as much concerned to hear whether I still get to sleep on the bed as anything.
Having watched my Mistress wasting hours connecting to people on Facebook, I would like to set up my own account. I wonder if I set myself up as a dog looking for friendship whether I would get any responses. I could put my photo up and fill in all my profile. It might be rather fun to see if I get any friends.
I just took a break to try to set myself up but it says I’m ineligible. Apparently being a nearly 3 year old dog isn’t good enough. I need to be over 13 and in education. There ought to be some allowance for being about 20 in dog years and going to training classes on a Monday night. I was going to set up my own page as leader of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party. I wonder if my Mistress could set up a new group for my political party that other people could sign up to. When she gets back from the dentist I might ask her nicely if she could try.