No sooner am I home and felt delighted to find everything in its rightful place than I find I’m off again. This week my Mistress and I are off to stay in a log cabin on our own for the week. At least this one is on dry land. It’s in a forest too, which is really cool as I miss my forest in Belgium. She has promised that the whole week is about me, reading and writing but I’m not sure in which order. Apparently my Master may join us for some of it but he has to go to work too, so we may not see much of him. I complained that I really wanted to go to dog training tonight and my Mistress said she would see how things went. The log cabin isn’t far from here so if I’m good she may bring me back for it. I did ask why bother with the log cabin, but she said it was so that she could write lots of her novel without any distractions. It seems I’m not a distraction so I get to go along. She even went as far as saying that walking me was a good way to get inspiration, which I take as something of a compliment. It was funny when I asked what we were going to do for food, apparently we are going to buy some from the same Tesco that we normally go to because it isn’t very far from the log cabin. I wonder if we could get then to deliver to a log cabin or whether they’d think it a bit odd.
She says we are aiming to write at least 20,000 words this week, which if you ask me is an awful lot of words. I hope that isn’t going to interfere with our walking time.