It’s good to get home and find out all the gossip. Firstly and most excitingly, the sheep are back. I don’t think they’ve been in long as the grass and nettles are still quite high. The worst bit is the fact that having not been here when they arrived I don’t know what their names are. It’s a bit hard to go up and introduce myself, I feel as though I ought to know their names and being the permanent resident, they certainly ought to know mine. I’m so happy to have them back. Every time they shout ‘baa’ I go running out to check they are all right and there’s nothing I can get for them.
As if the sheep wasn’t a good enough thing to come back to, there was some post for me, although once again wrongly addressed to my Mistress. At last, after several months of paperwork, I now have an official Kennel Club registration number. The certificate isn’t quite as impressive as my Belgian pedigree certificate. I did wonder whether it was worth writing to the Kennel club to make some suggestions as to how they could liven their certificates up a bit, but my Mistress said she thought I might be best to keep the ideas to myself.