My postings are going to be rather shorter than I would have liked whilst I’m away. For a start there is no power to recharge my laptop. This means having to look for places to visit with unattended wall sockets. We are now choosing our tables in pubs and café’s much more carefully, so that we can recharge our laptop. We can do our mobile phones on the boat using car chargers, but my laptop only holds its charge for about an hour. Even if I could use the laptop, I haven’t got internet access. My Mistress won’t pay for me to connect using my mobile phone and there are no other facilities on the boat. The middle of the Norfolk Broads is hardly the place to find an internet café!
There is another issue that has not been thought through properly. If you moor in the middle of the Broads by dropping anchor, where exactly does your dog go to the toilet before he goes to bed? A slight gap in logic that needed remedying! The suggestion that my Master could hold me over the side whilst I went was received by me about as well as the suggestion I should get into the dinghy so that he could row me to shore. I am a dry land dog, there are no two ways about it and when it comes to doing my business I need at least three legs on dry land and the other if it isn’t on dry land is in the air.