When I went into the kennels for the week I took with me a bed, some food and two of my favourite toys. My Mistress has finally got round to unpacking from being away for the same week. I had to ask her “Did you wear all those clothes?” I think I was relived to find she didn’t but you have to ask yourself why someone would carry such a large heavy suitcase filled with things they didn’t actually need. Then of course there are the things she bought whilst she was there that she doesn’t actually need. Does she really think I am going out with her if she wears a pair of bright orange trousers that even James has described as ‘clown trousers’. I hope he knows what he’s doing saying something like that. If I know my Mistress she will now invest in some big floppy shoes, face paint and a red nose to go with them and then where will we be? I can see her driving James to school dressed like that, or worse collecting him and standing by the side of the car waiting for him. I do have to say that if she were to go to such lengths, he would be perfectly justified in pretending he didn’t know her. It would be a long way for him to walk home though.
Meanwhile back at the unpacking, I was jumping up and down saying “Where’s my present? What did you get me?” Only to find that despite claiming to miss me like crazy she hadn’t brought me a single token of her affections, not so much as a dog biscuit. “Well that’s the last time I bring you something back?” I said but she rightly pointed out that to be fair I had never yet brought her anything back and that included the Frisby when we’re playing fetch.