Have you ever noticed how you fill the CD autochanger for the car with for example 6 cds and you put 6 empty boxes carefully back on the shelf. You then want to change the cds over, so you take them out of the box and pick up the 6 cd cases and yet suddenly they don’t match any more. What is all that about? How does it happen? You know with certainty that they were the same ones when you started. You’d stake the mortgage on your kennel on it. Logic tells me they must still be the same ones when you finish listening to them. It was Terry Pratchett who so appropriately noted that a cd left long enough in the car will become ‘Best of Queen’ so does the same phenomena work with the cases too? Is there a law that ‘a cd case if left empty for long enough, will automatically become one that you don’t own the cd for’? In this context, long enough only needs to be five minutes. Does anyone know what happened to the best of Bryan Adams cd case please?
My GPS is still not working. I can safely escape from my home zone without alerting anyone of my absence. I am, it seems, travelling undercover as we speak. My Mistress it trying to get something done about it but I’m not absolutely sure what. Last I knew the email helpline was refreshing to a screen that said her email address already existed and she couldn’t create a new account and no one was answering the telephone helpline. Heaven forbid that I should have actually got lost in the meantime. I said as it was an American company she should threaten to sue them, but she pointed out that it was hard to threaten anything if they wouldn’t answer the phone.