Wherever I lay my bed that’s my home. I could almost write a song about that. My mistress has promised that we can start sleeping in the same place for two nights running but I remain to be convinced. It has all been dependent on the installation of broadband. It seems that in this modern age of computers it has become the essential ingredient in this house at least. Starved of our internet connection we have no choice but to roam the streets in search of an alternative. Ok so that my be an exaggeration, we haven’t done any roaming. We’ve just stayed at the house we are selling instead.
It’s valentines day again and I haven’t got a valentine yet. Most of my friends are boy dogs and I have no intention of sending a card to any of them. I could send one to my mistress but I don’t suppose it would be quite the same. I could send one to Matilda the cat and tell her I’m missing her, but she might look at it scornfully, the way cats do. My master and mistress have opted for dinner at the village pub, without me! It seems a bit of a waste really when my mistress can only eat one of the three set courses. I said to my master he would be better off taking me as I could eat all three of them and his as well if needs be.
Just to confuse our weekend situation, this weekend all the children will be here in Friday but only Andy on Saturday. Helen has got herself a job for two hours each evening on both Saturday and Sunday. James is going to a concert on Saturday so he won’t be back until Sunday either. I hope he will be ready for his first day at his new school on Monday. More to the point I hope that my mistress will be ready, there still seem to be some labels to sew in.