I got so carried away with my little rant yesterday that I clean forgot to tell you where I was. Anyway I am not there anymore. On Wednesday we went from Nice to a place called Beaune, where we stayed in a rather nice hotel. Apparently it is near an area called Bourgogne but to my confusion that turns out to be the same place we call Burgundy. Surely if it is their place they should know what it is called. I think I’ve expressed concern about this sort of thing before. Is it just the English who take it upon themselves to give places with perfectly good names, a different English sounding name to confuse people? Anyway, we then came to a place called Luneville, which seems to be quite close to someone called Nancy. I didn’t think they put people on the map, I thought it was only places.
There has been lots more time in the car, more talking books, music and avoiding having to listen to French radio. Sadly, today is the last day of our holiday and just as I had got used to having the undivided attention of my master and mistress it is time to return to the real world. Today we get to drop my master off at the airport for him to fly to England and then my mistress and I will forlornly drive back home to Antwerp. I guess at least my place on the bed will be secured for the night, she is going to need me to cuddle up to as much as I will need her. I quite like this mutual dependence thing. We won’t see my master for a whole week, which will really be very miserable, so I guess I had better make the most of him today.