Well as it turned out there was plenty of mulled wine and mince pies for everyone last night. There was also a really good gingerbread house and some other cakes. I’ve never seen so many people in our house at the same time. It was great. I thoroughly enjoyed having so many people to drop crumbs for me, although it did get a bit noisy and busy and I disappeared off to bed for a bit of a breather. The Christmas music doesn’t get any better. That may be because my mistress seems to only have the one cd and so it is played over and over again. My master does have one too, but my mistress thinks it is so bad that she has only managed to listen to half of one side.
The bad news is I have to go to the vet’s again today. All because I want to go to England for Christmas. It is becoming a familiar routine. Go to the vet, pack my little bag, make sure my mistress remembers my bed and my favourite toys and then clamber in to the passenger seat and go back to sleep for a few hours. At least this time I know the routine when we get to Calais. Maybe this time my mistress could not get into a tiz and turn the scanner machine off by accident. I am excited about seeing my grandparents again too, I know they will spoil me. I wonder if they have got me a Christmas present.
I have heard that it is normal practice to make ‘new year’s resolutions’. I suppose I had better start thinking about what mine are going to be. Do you think it is ok to suggest to other people the ones you think they ought to be making?