Well yesterday was the official opening of the Woodland Centre. It was quite a day. The Chairman of the Woodland Council, a weasel, cut the ribbon and declared it open and then we had a big party and everyone could look round. The dormitory for the orphaned animals is amazing. It has got beds in all different sizes, some of them in little holes in the ground, others a bit more normal. There aren’t actually any orphans to move in yet, except for the six bunnies and they are now lodging with the Mole that we returned the ring to. Harry said he doesn’t actually know what the process is, for any orphans, to apply to move in but at least it is ready. I wonder whether Harry knows what he is letting himself in for?
It has rained so much recently I have almost forgotten that it’s summer. My mistress was trying to get me to go out in the pouring rain to go to the toilet. Who is she kidding? It is amazing how long I can hang on for when the alternative is going out in the rain. What I really need her to do is to close all the doors and lock me in so that I have an excuse to go in the house without being told off. Of course if I am shut in and need to go it isn’t my fault! Taking me outside she used a big shelter that she says is called an umbrella for her “and what about me?” I asked but she said I should stay close to her and then I would stay dry. I bet she would change her tune if I stayed too close to her and then started going to the toilet. I bet she would move away from giving me shelter then! To be honest I found the noise of the rain on the umbrella quite scary anyway.
I am fed up. I am not going to the picnic with the other Swiss Mountain Dogs. It wasn’t going to be the same once I found my mum and sister weren’t going but it would still have been fun. It’s ok for my master and mistress they seem to get to invite their friends just as often as they want but with me it is a different matter. My calls to invite Chloe round are falling on deaf ears and so too has my request to go on the picnic. I just hope my mistress doesn’t also go back on saying I can invite Elvis round when he comes back from holiday. If he does come round I just hope my master will take a break from all the bad Elvis jokes, he is so embarrassing.