Wednesday 3rd December 2014 – Swimming

I worked really hard at swimming yesterday. I wasn’t sure I was going to get there in time as my Mistress had lost her filling and broken her tooth the previous night and managed to get an emergency appointment on the way to my lesson. But as it turned out they patched her up very quickly and she was on her way in next to no time. I put a lot of effort into my swim and was very ready for a sleep when I got home. It was lovely to finish drying out in front of a log fire. I was really quite comfortable while the others went for a walk. I did think the fire needed stoking by the time they got back, but having seen the burn my Mistress managed to give herself the other day I am in no mood to try doing that for myself! My Mistress said the way she was feeling yesterday she would rather have stayed with me in front of the fire rather than go out into a rather cold afternoon. I said that was only ok if she would keep quiet and let me sleep, which she thought sounded a little unfair as I’d got her up at 5am again. We did curl up together for another hour or so, but I think she was still tired. Anyway, she decided to walk with the others and leave me to my nap.

It is now 24 weeks since Shadow’s last season so time is moving on. We received an online advent calendar from one of Aristotle’s sisters yesterday. They’re great. You can waste hours looking at all the different things it can do. It makes my Master’s one with chocolates in seem very tame in comparison. Thank you Soggi, we’re all having lots of fun with it.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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