Sunday 6th July 2014 – A great adventure

IMG_1342D’Artagnan is having a great adventure. He even had his own seat on the plane – yes really! He didn’t actually have a ticket with his name on it, but there was no one else sitting there so he made himself comfortable. To be honest he wanted to sit further away from our Mistress if he could. He says he now knows what fear smells like and it is not pleasant. To say my Mistress was a little stressed would be an understatement, but she did it and the first of her four flights is complete. What was funny was that she had told the flight staff she was frightened, so they put her bag on last just in case she didn’t find enough courage to go. Unfortunately the family who just before take off decided they could not travel had not had the same foresight and theirs were amongst the cases that went on first so the flight was delayed. The other funny consequence of my Mistress telling them was that her bag having gone on last, came off first so she got away from the airport really quickly.

The library she wants to use is closed for the holiday weekend and does not reopen until Monday. She is going to have to work very hard on Monday to fit in what she needs to do before she flies to Denver. What it does mean is that she has some time to do some fun bits that she wasn’t expecting. The only problem is deciding which fun bits to do. She was too tired from the flight to work that out yesterday and as she was fully expecting to be awake at some unearthly hour today she thought she could sort it out then.

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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