Saturday 7th June 2014 – How can that be?

Yesterday was beautiful and sunny and warm, today, yet again, we have a severe weather warning in place with heavy rain forecast for the whole day. Just as a dog starts to look forward to some lazy summer days they are washed from under his paws. My human aunt is supposed to be spending a few days walking on the North York Moors but I’m not so sure that it’s a good idea for her to go today. If she does I think my Mistress will stay on standby all day in case she has to go to rescue her in her sodden walking clothes.

I did not enjoy swimming yesterday. Not one little bit. Not at all. From the minute I got into the water, I was totally uncoordinated and splashing all over the place just trying to keep afloat. I misjudged where to get into the water from the ramp and made a horrible splash landing that certainly didn’t cheer me up. Ari had been showing off how well he is doing in the water and I think, next to him, I just lost confidence. I’m going to ask if I can have my future session without him around.  It didn’t help that when Ari got out of the water he spent the rest of the time being an annoying little squirt and was so full of himself. When you are struggling to stay afloat the last thing you need is a dog jumping around everywhere saying ‘look at me’!

I heard from one of my half-sisters yesterday, which was lovely. She really is a very good looking girl. She’s a little younger than I am and lives in the Netherlands. She lives with one of her daughters, which must be nice. I still regret not being able to have a puppy of my own to bring up and teach the ways of the world. Mind you, I suppose he might have turned out just as annoying as Aristotle and that would not have been a good thing.

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