Friday 24th May 2013 – A big box

There is a big box in the hall and it isn’t for me! My Mistress has a new bike and it has arrived in a very large cardboard box. These days the problem with buying things over the internet is that you have more trips to take the cardboard to the tip. Fortunately it is only just round the corner, but it’s a very big box and it isn’t going to be easy to get it in the car. I have pointed out to my Mistress that she can’t actually ride it while it’s in the box, but she won’t be rushed. If the weather were nice spring weather with blue skies, little wind and plenty of warmth I think she might be in more of a hurry to unbox it, but with alternating hail, wind, rain and occasional sun she is happier to stay indoors, as of course am I! At least she’s got something to keep her out of mischief at the weekend fitting her bell and lights and maybe even an odometer.

It hasn’t helped to be told that this is the worst spring since 1979. I think I should see if I can persuade my Mistress to move. She and I would both like to live somewhere that is about 20 centigrade all year round, where the days are sunny and it rains at night. Just imagine how much money you would save. No need for a winter coat and thermal underwear. No need for either central heating or air conditioning. Solar panels would be really effective. I guess it would be strange not having the traditional seasons, but we haven’t got the traditional seasons now. It’s all very well the fruit trees having a lot of blossom but there have been no insects to do the pollinating. Ah well in true optimist fashion…there’s always summer to look forward to!

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –

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