My Mistress’s long awaited first novel is now available for download. You can buy it for just £2.99 for any ereader or as a pdf to read on screen. You could print it out but that would be a lot of words to print. It’s available through Amazon. Smashwords and of course The novel is called ‘The Appearance of Truth’ and is all about what happens when someone find that the birth certificate they always thought of as their own really belonged to a baby who died at four months old. Lisa Forster who is the lead character then spends her time trying to work out who she really is and when her birthday is. That was the bit that got me, imagine not knowing when your birthday is! Anyway it is out now so you can find out for yourself what happens next!
Meanwhile back at home our routine of discipline is going too far. Ok, I know it’s probably good for us, but we are not only being made to wait for our food but being made to sit and wait outside the room where my Mistress is getting it ready and only coming in one at a time when we are called by name. It’s not really being done for mine or Shadow’s benefit to be fair but it is the first time that Aristotle’s training has been taken really seriously and it’s coming as a shock to the system to him. He’s getting the hang of it pretty quickly as we don’t get what we want unless we pay attention. I’m also at the point of wishing Megan were here so we could run riot again!
My Mistress has been redesigning her own website. She was fed up that mine looked better than hers and so decided to do some of the same things I do and I am pleased to say has used a photo of the two of us as the header. She’s threatening a redesign of our kennel website next. If you want to see what she’s done take a look at