Well after a couple of days off I don’t think I can remember the last time I saw my Mistress working so hard. She’s practically got steam coming out of her ears. She said she’d got some catching up to do, but I didn’t expect her to actually try to do a week’s work in two days. I mustn’t complaint too much as one of the things she is doing is helping me to get the first year of my diary straight so we can look at publishing it. I’m supposed to be researching self-publishing and putting a plan together to market the book if we do it. I’m at the head scratching stage at the moment and to be fair I did waste a bit of time playing three way tug with my non-writing friends. My biggest concern at the moment is that my Mistress seems to be working on a number of different projects at the same time. What happens if she gets confused and thinks she should be murdering people when she’s only supposed to be checking my grammar?
On a domestic front, she has now signed up to have contact lenses on an ongoing basis. It has taken ages for her to sort out exactly the right ones, but at last we seem to have got there and she is happy with the outcome. I’m getting used to seeing her without her glasses, but it was definitely strange at first. The funniest is when she hasn’t put her lenses in yet, but can’t find what she has done with her glasses and she can’t find her glasses because she can’t actually see without them. I have volunteered to act as a guide dog during those times, but she says that will not be strictly necessary.