Thursday 14th October 2010

Something in the house is missing a foot. At least that is the conclusion my Mistress has reached, having found a small piece of black plastic that clearly used to be attached to something. Megan was chewing it at the time of the discovery and my Mistress doesn’t know whether it had already parted company from the object it supported or whether it received some assistance from Megan. It is chewed to the point that even when we find what it belonged to, it is unlikely to be able to reattach and serve any further useful purpose, but that isn’t stopping my Mistress from keeping it in case she can identify where it belongs. Oh, that’s funny – as I was writing this my Mistress had a thought and has found where it goes. We now have a one footed keyboard for the other computer. Despite the apparent destruction, Megan is a very clever dog. Yesterday, she spilt some water on the blanket for her crate, which in itself isn’t very clever. Anyway, my Mistress draped the blanket over the top of the crate to dry out. Later when Megan had to go into it for half an hour, my Mistress didn’t put the blanket in as it was still slightly damp. When she came back to get Megan out, the blanket was in the crate. Megan had pulled it through the gap in the crate wire so that she could sit on it. She really is very lovely.

I was excited to see the Chilean miners being rescued. They must have quite a story to tell about their ordeal. It can’t be much fun being trapped underground all that time and not knowing if you will get out. It makes you realise just how important it is to appreciate your friends and family while you have them as you just never know when something might happen to keep you apart. I know this may be all a bit sentimental for a dog, but I’d just like to tell all my friends and family out there how much I love them and even though I might not see you all the time I do still think about you all. Megan asked if I would send her love to her family too. She misses them and keeps asking my Mistress when she can go to see them. Shadow is excited because she will see two of her brothers on Monday. It will be fun to see them again and Megan will meet them for the first time. I’d like to see my brother and sisters. There was one sister I got on so well with. I haven’t seen her for several years. I hope she’s ok.