Tuesday 16th February 2010

I’ve been thinking of why I like my Granny so much and I think it is because she reminds me so much of my Mistress. It’s been great having both my grandparents around and I’ve been spoilt rotten. I asked if they could stay a little longer but unfortunately they can’t. I shall just have to look forward to them coming to stay in our new house once we’ve moved.

The clock is not showing 36 more days until we move. I’m getting quite excited about it but Shadow is a little more apprehensive. She has never moved house before, except when she left her mum to come here and she found that very traumatic to begin with. I’ve told her that this won’t be nearly as bad as that and it will be great having new places to explore and windows where we can lie in bed and still look out, but she says she’s not so sure. My Mistress is concerned that she can’t start some of the packing. It isn’t that she couldn’t find some boxes to get started, it’s that there is nowhere to put the boxes once they are packed as all available corners are already full of boxes that we didn’t unpack when we moved in. I really can see a big sales campaign on Ebay coming up.

It was encouraging that the lovely man from British Telecom arrived exactly when we were expecting him and except for the fact that he has only taken the line into the loft so far, all seems to be going according to plan. We need to wait for the electrician to run the cable to the room we actually want it in. My Mistress wants to test the line before ordering the broadband connection, but if she can’t cope with a ladder, she certainly can’t cope with going up into the roof and having to walk across the rafters.