My summer stays in Kennels are over. I can’t put my little suitcase away just yet, but at least the next time I use it I will be going with my Mistress. Don’t get me wrong, staying in kennels isn’t that bad and I like the people here, but there’s nowhere quite like home and who other than my Mistress would share her Frosties with me at breakfast. I have a bit of a cushy number really and sometimes it takes being away from it to realise what a lucky dog I am. I’ve tried to get Shadow schooled for going home. This time I am hoping she will not leave my Mistress with large cuts or bruises in her enthusiasm to say hello.
Shadow has a vet’s appointment this week. Hers is to look at removing her dew claws. It reminded me of all the appointments I had when I was small, but mine were more fundamental and left me less of a man. With Shadow, it will not leave her less of dog, but it will make her decidedly less dangerous to be around when she jumps up.
This week will be a very quiet week. There’s just the three of us, My Mistress, Shadow and me. On the plus side we will be spoilt rotten, on the minus side we won’t know what to do with ourselves it will be so quiet. My Mistress said she’s having a reading week, so there should be lots of being cuddled up on the settee, or the bed, which I’m always in favour of. I’m more concerned that the cause of the reading is planning the next novel so she’d going to be thinking about murder quite a lot, which can never be healthy.