All about animals – Wednesday 7th September 2022

All about animals

Well life seems to be all about animals at the moment. Firstly, I simply have to tell you about the sheep. It was so funny, well for us anyway. We have sheep in the field behind the house and to the side of the house. When we moved in, Mum made sure the fencing was good enough so that we would not under any circumstances cause a problem for the sheep. What didn’t enter her head was that any problem would be the other way around and that the sheep might harass us. More to the point, harass her!

We three and the sheep live in complete harmony. They don’t bother us, we don’t bother them. They don’t bleat, we don’t bark. Oh we sometimes look at them through the fence, but they reciprocate and none of us minds too much.

Cutting the willow

Mum was cutting back the willow at the top of the garden. It’s a couple of metres in from the fence, so some distance from the sheep. Every time she went anywhere near it, the whole flock of sheep in the neighbouring field came running down bleating at the top of their voices at her. Mum being Mum, she proceeded to have a whole conversation with them and seemed to find it very amusing – especially the one sheep that had a voice a couple of octaves higher than all the others.

Toad or Frog

If that hadn’t been enough wildlife for one day, there was a toad or frog on the lawn. It was when we took Shadow out to the toilet just before bed. Mum shone the light on the lawn and realised she’d only just missed standing on it. It’s one of the few creatures we’ve seen recently that moves more slowly than Shadow, so of course once she saw it she spotted an opportunity. Mum had to grab Shadow and pull her away before she did the poor thing any harm. It means we’re all going to be looking where we’re going at night for a while. I presume it’s resident somewhere around our pond.

