What could go wrong? – Wednesday 2nd March 2022

What could go wrong?

What could go wrong? Mum has ordered some cement. She is planning to fix the patio steps and to stick all the garden ornaments in place. Mum has never used cement before and when she proudly told Dad that all she had to do was add water he did sound very concerned. We will be staying well out of the way when she tries this one. She reminded me of the time we were in Switzerland and accidentally walked across some wet concrete. We’ve been meaning to go back to see if there is a set of foot and paw prints ever since but never have.

We have both been thinking a lot about my beloved homeland since Dad went back, but for now that will have to wait. For now we will continue to play with cement in this country. She has promised to wear gloves and be careful, but there is always room for things to go wrong when Mum does odd jobs.


Aristotle is back to gardening with Mum again. They are pruning the roses and deciding where to plant some more. We brought some with us from our old house as well as ones we were given as gifts. Mum has been longing to get them all planted, but wanted to see how the garden looked first. Now it’s much tidier she can see where they can be put in and look nice. My favourite seat is in part of the garden with some room around it. Mum says we can have an arch with roses growing around it and then rose bushes either side. I’m looking forward to having my photo taken sitting there when they’ve all grown and are flowering. It might be next year before they’re all established so I may have to be patient – not my strong point.

