Another day in kennels to contemplate the world. To be fair, I was given the choice between going to Harrogate Christmas shopping and sight seeing or spending a weekend with my doggy friends. It wasn’t a difficult decision. It was at the word shopping that my eyes glazed over, although to be fair I think it was a second or two before that that my Master and Mistress had both looked fairly despondent, neither of them likes shopping. My Mistress has developed a very high level of expertise in internet shopping to address the issue and has already bought quite a number of presents that way. Fortunately for me, one of the few types of shop she actually likes going to is the pet shop. After the success of the game that was bought for my birthday, I am rather hoping that Santa might produce a whole entertainment centre for me for Christmas. I’ve asked for an assault course for the garden, but I may be pushing my luck.
I suppose now I’m an adult, I ought to be thinking about what I can get as presents for everyone for Christmas. I never have much pocket money left and have singularly failed to get a job, so I am limited to the things I can find whilst on a walk and things I can make out of them. It’s going to be easy to do something for my cousin Jack, being a dog, I’m guessing he likes many of the same things that I do, but do you think Granny would appreciate a slightly chewed stick? I could ask my Mistress to kelp me wrap it up for her. I’d do it myself, but I tend to get Sellotape stuck to my fur.