Looking for a dragon – Friday 23rd April 2021

Looking for a dragon

I’ve been spending the morning so far looking for a dragon. Apparently today is St George’s Day which makes it England’s national day. I asked Mum who St George was and she said he’s famous for slaying a dragon. Being a dog with a love of wildlife and the environment that got me thinking. I haven’t seen any dragons in the wild in the whole of my life so far. That might mean I have not looked hard enough, but how can St George be any kind of hero if he slayed the last one and left them extinct? I think there may be an issue here in who gets to decide who the good guys are.

Two sides to every story

Why because the dragon breathed fire did that make him bad? I’ve seen Mum when she gets heated about something and I can tell you I think she has the potential to breathe fire too. What if the dragon was the innocent party? I’m not saying I have anything against St George, far from it. He’s clearly an important guy around here, but I just wonder if the dragon had a fair hearing. Mum has explained that the dragon wanted human sacrifices, so I may be barking up the wrong tree. It’s just that I’m not a dog who favours the death penalty and wonder if there might have been another way.

In the meantime

In the meantime a very happy St George’s Day to you all. I’m going back to dragon hunting, just in case I can find some nice ones to start a breeding programme with. Mum did say if we managed to have dragons on the premises we might have problems with getting house insurance, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

