Garden Time – Sunday 18th April 2021

Garden Time

We had a lot of garden time yesterday. Mum wasn’t feeling well enough to go out, but in the end I didn’t mind one bit. She and Dad sat outside for much of the day and I was able to alternate between who I sat with. To be fair, I’m never far from Mum’s side. We have this whole Lone Ranger and Tonto thing going, where I’m Tonto. Mum said we’re like Dastardly and Muttley – but in that combination I get to play Dastardly as she’s more than once been nicknamed Muttley. However we describe it, I’m essentially her sidekick or she’s mine.


What was wonderful yesterday was that I learned a valuable lesson. If I sit still the wildlife isn’t scared of me and it all comes down to join us. Whilst we sat there we were joined by the squirrel and so many birds. We had pigeons, collared doves, greenfinches, goldfinches, blue tits, great tits, chaffinches, dunnocks, tree sparrows and robins all within only a few feet of me. Me – the one who normally chases them off. I was as good as gold. I think I was trying really hard to make up for peeing on the carpet in Shadow’s room.

Missing the others

I’m missing the others if I’m being honest. I asked Mum when they were coming home, but she says she’s not sure yet. It wouldn’t be too bad with Aristotle, but Mum needs a break from having to get up in the night with Shadow. I guess I can see that. It’s a shame Shadow can’t do stairs as then I could take her out to help Mum. Mind you, if she could do stairs she could sleep in our room and then she seems to stay asleep longer.

Now I’m waiting to see if I get the special walk today. If not I’ll make do with the garden.

