“Doesn’t this feel like the old days?” I said to my Mistress last night as we curled up together for the evening. I know I’ll be happy when the others come home, but it is nice to have a bit of quality time to be totally indulged by my Mistress. I’m not ashamed to admit that I rather like being a spoilt dog. All we need is an empty fire grate to curl up in front of and it will almost feel like the old days in Belgium. It would need to be an empty fire grate as my Mistress never made a fire when it was just the two of us and apart from that, in fairness it is July and not the time of year for fires when you already have a fur coat on.
I’m very excited to say that my Mum is expecting a litter of puppies. They don’t have the same dad as me. Their dad is called Axel and mine is Elio, but they will be my half brothers and sisters, which is very exciting by anybody’s standards. I’ve started nagging my Mistress to work out when we can go and see them, but she says I’ll have to wait and see. She can be such a tease.
Sadly for the next two weeks I am going to be a dog biscuit down on my daily treats as our postman has gone on holiday. I haven’t managed to train the new one to bring me treats. He does give me the odd pat but nothing more. I suggested to my Mistress that she could give him a bag of treats to bring for me each day, just to humour me until our usual postman comes back. She said if I was good, she’d cut out the middle man and give me the treat herself, but I’m not sure that I believe she’ll remember. I did ask if she could post it through the letterbox to me so that it feels like the days when she’s out and I get it with the post.