Thursday 27th April 2017 – An increase in numbers

Now you may find this hard to believe, but one of us sneaked into the country under the radar. I don’t mean illegally, and I’m not talking about us four. Our Mistress received an email yesterday to enter for the photo competition for our Club with a dog she didn’t know. She thought there were 77 of us in the UK and she knows us all by name, if not in person. Yesterday she found out about number 78. Now to confuse matters he does have the same name as one of the others, but hopefully in a few days she will get all the details of his pedigree and a better picture of where he fits in. It’s really very exciting as you can imagine.

Over the next few weeks you will probably get bored with me giving you excited updates on our numbers. One should be arriving in a week’s time and then more through May and June. Thankfully the others are being given a range of names although there will be another overlap so it is going to be confusing. I’m guessing once we start getting past the hundred mark it will be harder for our Mistress to remember us all as easily. For the record, she’s really hopeless at remembering the names of humans, but she often knows what their dogs are called.

It’s only a month now until Wilma’s trip to Switzerland. She’s already excited. She’s going to be unbearable by the time she actually goes. She can’t believe she’s going to be helping bring one of her nieces back. She says it only seems like yesterday that I went out there to bring her home. It was nice reminiscing about that trip. She and I really became very close through it.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE