Saturday 22nd April 2017 – Yay it’s the weekend

Good things about a weekend – a) more hands around to stroke me b) more humans to drop food c) getting into bed with my humans. What’s not to like about the weekend? It can rain or be sunny as far as I’m concerned, I’ve got my humans and that’s all I need. Of course if those humans were to find a nice sunny spot in the garden to sit with me all day that would be even better, but I’ll settle for indoors if I need to.

Our Mistress was looking at garden seats yesterday. They are more arbours than just seats. I was nudging her towards looking at the ones that would be big enough for at least the two of us. She just needs to work out where it can go and then persuade our Master that it’s a good idea. The first bit may be more difficult than the second one, particularly as the one I’ve put a bid in for is for a corner and I don’t think we’ve got a spare sunny corner. There is another problem, now I come to think about it. Not much of our garden is very flat and I don’t want a wonky arbour. There are tree roots all over the pace making it hard to get anything level. If the weather is nice later I’m going to ask our Mistress if we can sit outside for a while and do some garden redesign to make it work. The fun of that is that we can sit still to do the actual redesign and it doesn’t involve any real work. I guess we could just keep doing redesigns and never bother doing any of the actual work. I wonder if we could factor in a few special play areas for us dogs as well and maybe a permanent paddling pool.

Have a happy Saturday


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