Friday 21st April 2017 – As if by magic

Bramley Apple Blossom

There has been a dead stick planted in our back garden for a long time. Many people, including my Master have mistakenly thought something had died and needed to be removed. The truth was that it was dead when it was planted by our Mistress. It was my peeing stick. We did a deal a while ago that I would try to remember not to pee on her new fruit trees if she would give me a place of my very own that I was allowed to pee. The fact that the fruit trees are now doing so well shows that I have kept to my side of the deal. Anyway, something very odd has happened. It seems to be growing. Our Mistress says that’s because now I’m not cocking my leg up things so much she’s bothered to put in a real tree, but I prefer to think that my dead peeing stick has miraculously turned into a Christmas tree. To be fair, it isn’t looking completely healthy and one or two good pees would probably finish it off. Our Mistress says it was in a pot and she’s hoping that being in the ground where she does not have to remember to water it might improve its chances. I think the odds are probably against it, which given it could grow to 180 feet high is possibly for the best! How would you stick a fairy on the top of that once it had grown? I wonder if Alpacas eat Christmas trees.

Shadow had to miss her swimming lesson yesterday as our Mistress is still unwell. She was not a happy dog; Shadow rather than our Mistress! She had been looking forward to how it makes her feel afterwards, rather than the swim itself. She says she hasn’t had so much bounce in years. It makes our Mistress think we should all be going, but maybe not at the same time.

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