Pretty Polly – Wednesday 6th January 2021
Wilma wants to tell you about the very pretty Polly – her great-niece. Her real name is Skyeannroos Belle Padstow, but that’s hard to remember.
Wilma wants to tell you about the very pretty Polly – her great-niece. Her real name is Skyeannroos Belle Padstow, but that’s hard to remember.
Wilma was delighted to receive pictures of Mama in the snow yesterday, with her sister Valeria. She hasn’t seen them for ages.
Wilma is reporting on the cheesecake incidents that led to bloodshed and incapacitation. All in a normal day.
Let the party begin – Wilma is looking forward to two weeks holiday with Mum and Dad.
How do you provide grief counselling for pigeons? Wilma asks as she worries about the garden wildlife.
Granny and Grandpa have had a lockdown idea and Wilma is trying it out. Find out what she’s up to and join in.
Wilma is in isolation – not on her own you understand, she’s busy supporting her human in staying at home.
It seems to be our turn – tummy bugs are very fair like that, passing themselves around until everyone is equally treated.
Cheering Dad Up Our job today is cheering Dad up. He’s a big sports fan and particularly rugby. After England lost in the world cup […]
All on my own I had to go for a walk all on my own yesterday. Now don’t get me wrong, obviously Mum was there. […]
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