Sunday Weigh in and Boadicea

December 2, 2012 Alfie 0

It is getting harder to tell Bumble and Beethoven apart, except for Beethoven’s nose being slightly more brown on one side they have become increasingly […]

Saturday afternoon

December 1, 2012 Alfie 0

The puppies are getting to the stage where my Mistress finds them hard to resist. She just wants to pick them up and cuddle them. […]

Thursday weigh in

November 29, 2012 Alfie 0

Well the first night without roll bars and my Mistress got even less sleep worrying about them. There was one point at which Shadow seemed […]

Wednesday afternoon

November 28, 2012 Alfie 1

Whilst I know you want to hear all about the puppies’ day, my first piece of news is about Aristotle. As you know he’s a […]

Wednesday weigh-in

November 28, 2012 Alfie 0

Well after a sleepless night of puppies getting stuck, the roll bars are being removed today. Shadow will have to be a little more careful […]

Tuesday weigh in

November 27, 2012 Alfie 0

The weights may be a little off from yesterday’s reading as we’ve had to move over to the other scales and they only read in […]