Tuesday weigh in

November 27, 2012 Alfie 0

The weights may be a little off from yesterday’s reading as we’ve had to move over to the other scales and they only read in […]

Monday weigh-in

November 26, 2012 Alfie 0

Well the weigh-in has happened an hour early this morning as I’m having to go to the vet as soon as it opens. You don’t […]

Sunday afternoon

November 25, 2012 Alfie 0

The puppies really do eat until they are so full they simply roll away from Shadow. Then they sleep until their little tummies aren’t quite […]

Sunday 9am

November 25, 2012 Alfie 0

It’s been another good night in the small puppy household. It feels even more like Big Brother this year with the camera watching their every […]