Looking for Shadow – Tuesday 6th December 2022

Looking for Shadow

I had a really weird day yesterday and spent some of it looking for Shadow. Much as I know she’s not coming back, it was just something Ari said and I started thinking that maybe she was upstairs and I just couldn’t see her. I disappeared up there for quite some time to have a look around, but she wasn’t there. Mum called me down in the end, but it didn’t stop me wondering. ‘Never’ coming home just seems too final. It feels more as though it should be like Dad, where I just have to count down to his return. I was just hoping.

Family time

Dad has been having family time again – with my family that is. Having seen my sister Valeria earlier in the week, he went to see my sister Tosca yesterday. It was lovely to hear how she was, but I did wish I could be there too. She sent her love and of course Dad passed mine to her. I really am hoping it won’t be too long until I can do all that myself.

Christmas past

In the whole photos of Christmas past thing, we’re up to 2014. That one was apparently even more strange than 2013. Whereas I was telling you about everyone waiting for Shadow’s litter to be born at Christmas 2013, by the following year she was in Switzerland meeting my papa, Rolex.

Shadow had got the hang of the whole mating thing by then, Papa Rolex was quite a young dog and not so worldy wise. It had snowed and he thought it was a much better idea to play in the snow, even though it was very cold. Shadow tried everything to show him what she wanted, but it wasn’t to be. That was the same trip that Mum’s car broke down when the temperature was minus seventeen centigrade. It was also the time that Mum walked into the overhang on a building and knocked herself off her feet. Not one of her finer moments. Happy days!

