Christmas 2012
Today I was looking back with Mum at photos from Christmas 2012. There were too many to choose from. That Christmas, Shadow’s B litter was just a few weeks old, so Christmas was based around caring for them. Mum was explaining that lots of their Christmases were organised around puppies back then, even one that she spent in Switzerland to for Shadow to meet my dog father, but I’m getting ahead of myself now.
It is strange making changes not to have to work around what Shadow needs. Yesterday I remembered not to get Mum up at 5am so she could take Shadow out. It was really weird both of us staying in bed until 6.30am.
There is one thing we’re having a problem with. Shadow was very good at reminding Mum of exactly the right time she needed her tablets. Aristotle is on the same medication and needs to take it but he never remembers to say anything. I said the easiest way to sort it was to give me a treat at that time for a day or two. If I get into a habit of having a treat at the same time then I will NEVER forget to say something. Given I’m on a diet, Mum has asked if I could do it without the treat.
Christmas stocking
Mum sorted through the rest of the decorations yesterday. I was so excited to find my Christmas stocking and put it up ready for Santa Paws. We don’t have a chimney but it goes in the lounge anyway. I’m not really sure how Santa Paws gets to it. Ari says Mum has probably given him a front door key but I don’t think that’s right as we’d hear him. Maybe Dad knows how he gets in. I’ll ask when he comes home next week.