Shadow is in hospital
As I write this, Shadow is in hospital. It has been very worrying. Everything seemed quite ok until just after we had our tea yesterday. She went out to the toilet as normal and seemed to be fine. Then when she came back in she lay down next to Mum and passed out. She’d never done that other than in the morning. Shadow’s was breathing very raggedly and she didn’t seem right at all. Mum held her to see if she just needed to come round, but soon realised there was something more going on. It didn’t help when poor Shadow emptied her bowels all over the office carpet.
Emergency appointment
Mum thought some fresh air would do her good. Quite honestly with all the poo, some fresh air was going to do all of us good. Anyway, when she took Shadow out poor Shadow just stood there with absolutely no idea where she was and not moving. That was the point Mum realised it was serious and rang the vet for an emergency appointment. They were great and said that they would see Shadow just as soon as Mum could get her there. Mum had to carry her out to the car as by then Shadow couldn’t really walk. I think if she could have found a blue flashing light from somewhere she’d have put it on the car.
Shadow was carried in to the vet and it didn’t take much for the vet to see there was a problem. He examined her and said she’d got a problem with fluid on her lungs and possibly infection. She was given injections to help with both and then admitted for ongoing monitoring and further treatment as necessary. Mum said it was horrible having to discuss what should be done in the event of Shadow needing resuscitation. The vet was very good and gave Mum straight answers to questions. The biggest risk is with her dicky ticker. If her heart couldn’t cope with the strain it would be a problem.
Anyway, Mum received a call from the night vet just before nine to say that Shadow seemed to have stabilised. She hadn’t needed a follow up injection but they would give one if it seemed necessary. We’re waiting to hear how she’s got on overnight. If it’s good news Mum is hoping she’s going to be able to go to pick her up and bring her home.
We’ve all got everything crossed for her. We love you, Shadow.
Hello Wilma, we are sorry to hear Shadow is in hospital. We hope she is doing well and will be home soon. Please send her all our love. We are thinking of you all.
We are still reading your daily news and I am sorry we have not written for a while.Dottie ìs a teenager now and a full time job. She loves her training classes and playing with other dogs. She is still not keen on being on the lead.
Lots of love Sheila,Mark and Dottie XXXX
Thank you. Shadow has stabilised and Mum can bring her home later.
I remember being a teenager! Good luck with that one.
Love Wilma
Oh so sorry Shadow is in hospital. I will keep everything crossed for some improvement.
Thank you.
Oh dear shadow we hope you recover and wishing you all the best and also for your lovely Family. With all best greetings from Switzeland from the Kornriedgirls and the Family
Oh dear shadow we hope you recover and wishing you all the best and also for your lovely Family. With all best greetings from Switzeland from the Kornriedgirls and the Family
Thank you. She is stable and Mum can bring her home.
Love to you all
So sorry to hear that Shadow is unwell. Wishing you all the best and hoping she has a speedy recovery from her illness.
Thank you
Dear Shadow, your fan club LOVES YOU! We are relieved to hear that you are stable now and wish for your health to improve. Thankfully, your ‘A Team’ (Wilma, Aristotle and Mum) are doing a sterling job making sure you want for nothing. Big hugs to you all!
Thank you