Target has been achieved – Friday 28th October 2022

Target has been achieved

Our October walking target has been achieved. We have done it. Yesterday, somewhere part way around the village circuit, we hit the fifty miles for October that we had set out to do. The lovely thing was that Dad was with us to complete the challenge. He surprised us by getting home mid afternoon, in plenty of time for a nice walk and to go round the garden with Ari to see everything he’s been working on.

Mum wondered about setting a higher target for November, but Dad said she probably shouldn’t. Knowing how obsessive she can get it could all end in tears – and a lot of miles. We’ve agreed to reset our target and make sure we do at least another fifty in November.

Plan for Today

Oh decisions decisions. Which of my new favourite walks do I want to take Dad on first? I’ve decided to start with Oakley Woods. He’s already been to the racecourse once, although he hasn’t done the extra bits. Mum said we can’t go until a little later than normal. By then the roads around Stratford might be busy and she doesn’t want to get stuck in traffic. Oakley Woods it is then. Now I just need to see if Mum and Dad will do both circuits with me or if we’re only going to do the red route. The longer I can keep Dad away from the house, there less chance he has to harvest the apples. Mind you, that is all going to take quite a while.

The big return

Mum and Dad are also planning for the big return – when Dad will be here all the time again. You wouldn’t think it would take that much thinking about, but he’s been working away from home for most of my lifetime, nearly five years altogether. It’s going to be wonderful to wake up every day knowing that Dad is just a bounce away. I wonder how long it will take him to be fed up with being bounced on.

