Somewhere in France
Dad was somewhere in France for the night last night. I always like him to stay at the hotels that Mum and I use. That way I can picture where he is. Last night he stayed just outside Reims and that’s not somewhere Mum and I usually stop. He isn’t restricted to the hotels which take dogs, which gives him more choice. Of course, I don’t think he should stay in a hotel that doesn’t allow dogs on principle, but I suppose sometimes convenience is more important than what I think.
Sleeping deeply
Shadow was having a sleepy day yesterday. Mum was amazed that at one point she was able to leave the house, drive to collect some more antibiotics from the vet and get home without Shadow even knowing she’d gone. It took her over half an hour, but Shadow was none the wiser.
It was a bit like that all round though. Mum wasn’t feeling too well, so she wanted to rest too. It meant that we haven’t finished our October walking target yet. We’ll have to see how she is today. I played my role as nurse Wilma instead, which I’m really very good at.
Ari and I appreciated the true meaning of a windfall yesterday. Thanks to the day being really quite windy, the nice ripe apples and pears were falling off the tree in quantity. It was an eat as much as we liked buffet of extraordinary proportions. For us, it’s a race against the clock now. Dad will be working hard to harvest all the good apples when he is home. For the time being, Ari and I can enjoy high quality unspoilt apple after every meal.

Some of the apple will be stored carefully. Some Dad will turn into stewed apple and freeze. Unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to have time to make his first batch of cider while he’s home this time, but that will happen in time.