Aristotle is feeling down
Poor Aristotle is feeling down. His eye is just not improving and he says he doesn’t feel great. It’s been over three weeks now, but there is no point going back to the vet yet. If it is nothing much it can still take 4 – 6 weeks to disappear. Mum says if that were the case she would have thought it might be improving by now, but there’s no sign of that. She wishes he could go to see our old vet so we could have her opinion, although the vet he’s been seeing here does seem good too. When we’re inside he just wants to lie by the kitchen door. He doesn’t even argue with me quite so much, which is weird.

Lazy day
Yesterday started as a lazy day. Mum went back to bed and we all found places to nap nearby. It was all going very well until Shadow suddenly started flailing about. Mum was worried something bad was happening, but she was just very deeply asleep and dreaming. She came to with us all standing around her looking worried and asked what she’d missed. It was quite funny in the end. Anyway, after lunch I gave Mum a talking to. The rain had stopped and I reminded her of our challenge and her promise that we’d go out every day if we possibly could. She reluctantly agreed and we walked the village circuit of 2.29miles. That means our total is now 44.67 so we don’t have too much more to do to hit our target. It’s doing both of us good.

Mum took Ari out to do some gardening too. She hoped it would cheer him up, but he just wanted to come back inside, which isn’t like him. She has at least got the step ladder out and cleared the gutter about the back door. There were only so many times she wanted to be caught by the rain as soon as the door was open.