Worried about Aristotle – Tuesday 18th October 2022

Worried about Aristotle

Mum is worried about Aristotle. His eye is, if anything, a little worse. At the same time as his eye started he also began to have issues with his hearing. It may be a coincidence, but it seems a little odd if it is. He’s behaving as Shadow used to when her hearing was going. Because he can’t easily identify the noises he’s hearing he can’t rule out the ones that are no cause for concern. It means he’s barking lots more. He is fine if he is in Mum’s office with her and the door is closed, but there isn’t room for all of us to do that as there’s not enough floor space.

Horner’s Syndrome

He’s feeling a bit sorry for himself too. Mum is holding on to the fact that Horner’s Syndrome (the eye condition) is normally just one of those things and will go on its own. It can take four to six weeks to go. So far it has been two and a half weeks, so it’s still possible that it is nothing serious, but Mum says she’d be happier if there weren’t other problems apparently running in parallel.

Home straight

We went to the racecourse again yesterday. It is such a lovely walk. I made Mum do a commentary and pretended I was a racehorse going around the track. Of course, I’m not allowed to go on the course itself and I don’t think Mum would want me jumping over anything quite that high. It’s fun pretending though and the good thing with pretending is that I always win. I only usually finish a lead length ahead of Mum, but it’s enough to make the difference.

We walked to the post box too, so I got a bit of a bonus walk, but Mum didn’t count that bit.

