Unexpected bonus
Yesterday I had an unexpected bonus. When Mum asked where I’d like to go for a walk on Sunday, one of the places I came up with was Oakley Wood near Leamington Spa. We both like woodland walks so I thought Mum might say yes. Anyway, she got quite excited when she saw it and said we didn’t need to wait until Sunday. So that was where we went for our walk yesterday.
Oakley Wood
The wood is part of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and covers 48 hectares. It’s a bit strange as it surrounds the crematorium. You wouldn’t actually know that once your there. There is a sign in the car park asking you not to do too much barking, or something along those lines, but otherwise you’d have no idea. For the record, I didn’t bark once.
The woods are mixed pine and deciduous. The smell of the pine as we started out was amazing. Even Mum was sniffing the air to take it in.
Choice of Paths
There are two routes. They are both well marked and have good paths through the wood. The red one is the longer of the two, so that’s the one we did yesterday. One day Mum says we can do them both, one after the other. The red route was two miles, which fitted nicely to the time we had free.

I loved it there. We both did. It reminded me a little of the woods on my mountain in Switzerland. Mum and I had a lovely time talking about the times we’ve spent there and hoping we will be back there again soon, but I digress.
There were a number of other dogs around to say hello and one man who gave me lots of fuss, which I enjoyed as much as the next dog.
Now I just can’t wait for the next trip over there.