All is well
All is well with the lump on my shoulder. As we hoped it is still just a cyst. That is what our old vet thought when she looked at it a few years ago, but I was to have it checked if it got any bigger. As that is exactly what it has done, I went to see our vet to be on the safe side.
It’s a good job I don’t have to go to the vet very often. Mum was embarrassed when I sat in the waiting room shouting at the other dogs. I don’t know why I do it, but I can’t seem to help it. She took me to wait outdoors and thankfully it wasn’t raining.
The bad news
The bad news is that apples are not calorie free. Rather than losing weight, despite reduced rations and being on special diet food, I’ve put weight on since my last visit. Mum says this is simply not good enough. We need to start the serious business of walking me fit and me taking my diet seriously. One of those I’m looking forward to but not both.
Today’s walk
Dad wants to go to a lovely gardens in Warwick. Mum would normally go with him, but it’s opposite the racecourse and there’s no race meeting. She asked if I would like to go for a good walk while Dad is looking at the apple trees in the gardens. Of course, I put my paw up immediately and said yes. Mum is going to try to remember to start the walk measuring app on her phone so we can see how far we go. It made me remember the lovely romps I used to have with my friend Bernie at York Racecourse. That’s the worst part about moving, how much you miss your friends.