Tree Pruning
There is some tree pruning going on in the garden later this morning, so we will have to stay indoors for a while. There are two wild plum trees in the orchard which, by the end of the day won’t be quite so wild. It’s funny, I used to love the greengages on the tree in our garden in Yorkshire, but the wild plums have not appealed to me at all. Mum says she’s happier with me eating the apples, so I’m taking that as an invitation.
Shadow causing trouble
Poor old Shadow, it really isn’t her fault, but she is proving hard work. Yesterday she had two episodes of fecal incontinence as well as having urinary incontinence. Mum felt as though she spent all day clearing up after Shadow. Shadow is normally such a clean dog that she is mortified about what old age is doing to her. I’m guessing at some point Mum will need to talk to the vet again and maybe change her medication, but she doesn’t think there is anything which can be done for her bowels.
Weigh in
Thursday I’m going for a weigh in and to talk to the vet about the lump on my shoulder. I’ve had the lump for several years and our old vet said not to worry unless it started getting bigger. Mum now thinks it has got bigger recently, so she wants it looked at. I can’t actually see it, or feel it with my paw without doing odd yoga positions, so I need to rely on Mum for this one. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, but I’ll let you know once I’ve been checked. On the weight front I’m hoping for a miracle, but will settle for a small improvement. Paws crossed.